KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS That I Mr. Md. Mahabub Alam S/o- Md. Faizul Haque and Mothers name- Most. Amana Khatun of Village-Haphania, Post- Naria Gadi, P.S. Satia, District-Pabna. At Present-Kalabager Bari Pathantolly Bangsal para, P.S-Doubalmooring, District-Chittagong A/C M/S Khatiza Tailoring House Proprietor Most. Khatiza Begum W/o-Md. Mahbub Alam of Kalabager Bari Pathantolly Bangsal para, P.S-Doubalmooring, District-Chittagong do hereby constitute, appoint and ordain the SOCIAL ISLAMI BANK LIMITED., a Banking company incorporated under the company law 1994 and having its Head Office at 15, Dilkusha C/A, Dhaka-1000 and Branch Office at SOCIAL ISLAMI BANK LIMITED Agrabad Branch, Agrabad, Chittagong, besides other places (hereinafter referred to as " the Bank") to be our attorneys in our name or for and on our behalf to do and execute all or any of the acts and things following namely :-
1. To demand, collect, recover, receive, endorse and give good and sufficient receipts, discharge, releases and indemnities, for and in respect of property, money, rights or claims to which, I am or may be entitled and to effect a compromise or release of any claim and to pay. Satisfy or compromise any of my dues, debts, or liabilities or any claim against me. The Bank shall have power to take and use all lawful methods, means and proceedings for recovering and realizing such debts, advances and claims and to commence presents and defend at law all actions, suits claims, demands and disputes and to refer to arbitration and adjust and settle and compromise all accounts, suits, claims and demands and for all and any of the purpose aforesaid to do and exercise such instruments or things as shall be thought necessary or expedient.
2. To execute or enforce any powers of sale, pledge, hypothecation or other powers and to realize or obtain the benefit of any transfer as may be thought fit by the Attorney.
3. To sign and execute any documents, including any transfer of moveable and immovable Property and to admit the execution and signatures before the Registrar including the property hereunder described in the Schedule below with building, old house and whatever be situated thereon.
4. To draw, accept, endorse, negotiate, retire, pay any bills of exchange promissory note, cheque or other negotiable instruments which the Attorney may deem necessary or proper.
5. Out of the money received or to be received by the attorney to pay all dues and charges and debts
on any account whatsoever receivable by the Attorney.
6. To sign our name or to act for on our behalf and execute and deliver any assignment endorsement, conveyance, surrender, transfer or any other deed for and on our behalf or in our name and generally to do all things for our and in ours name.
7. To sell or dispose of the schedule property and other moveable & immovable property either by public auction or by private negotiation without intervention of the court in case of default of my inadjustment of my liability with SOCIAL ISLAMI BANK LIMITED Agrabad Branch, Agrabad, Chittagong.
8. The Attorney is entitled to act through any officer, employees, agent and to appoint any substitute and the manner of authorization for the exercise of the powers and authority given hereunder shall not be questionable by my or anybody dealing with the Attorney and all acts and deed done or performed by the Attorney shall be binding on my.
9. This Power of Attorney is irrevocable and shall be binding on my until it is revoked jointly by my and the Attorney in writing and third party dealing with the Attorney has notice of it, and I acknowledge that the interest of the Attorney in the subject matter hereof is coupled with the exercise of these powers and authorities.
10. Without prejudice to the generality of the above the Attorney are particularly empowered to do the following acts and things.
(a) To recover all amounts due to our from any Ministry. Division or Department of the Government
of the people's Republic of Bangladesh and for this purpose to demand, claim, take and use all
lawful methods, proceeding and means and give effectual discharge for any amounts of money
or things received.
(b) To refer to arbitration any disputes with the Government and to compromise or adjust any claim.
(c) To exercise all power and control over the goods which may be ready to be dispatched or may be during transit or may have to be received back and released from the possession of the Government and to store, insure, hypothecate, pledge, transfer or sell them acting either directly or through an employee or officer or any agent, bailee or broker.
(d) To sign all letters, deeds, claims, complaints, applications, Vokalatnamas, represent actions, references to execute any assignment or transfer and to make any endorsement and to swear any affidavit.
(e) To incur any expenditure and to pay any charges, fees and commissions.
11. I do hereby revoke and withdraw all such power or authority that I have and may have granted to or conferred on anybody except this mortgagee Attorney in any manner to receive and recover any amount due to my from the Government.
12. Generally to do all such acts and things as the Attorney shall thing expedient for the purpose aforesaid as fully and effectually in all respects and we could do my self.
13. I, hereby ratify and agree to confirm all acts done and caused to be done in exercise of powers and authorities hereby conferred including whatsoever shall be done between the revocation by any means of the powers to be exercised hereunder and the time of such revocation becoming known to the third parties and it is hereby declared that these presents shall, at all times, be conclusive and binding on I and on my representatives, assigns and administrators and executors in favour of third parties who have not received the notice of revocation jointly signed and executed by I and the Attorney.
District-Chittagong, P.S. Dubalmooring, Mouza-Pathantooly
under the jurisdiction of Sadar Sub-Registry Office, Chittagong R.S. Khatian
No. 307/269 R.S. Plot No. 449/ 450/ 451/ 452/ 453 and corresponding B.S.
Khatian No. 377 B.S. Mutation Khatian No. 377/1/1 and B.S. Plot No. 2159 area
of the land 0050 Satanghsa.
WITNESS WHEREOF, We, the Mortgagor, have got our hands on day, month and year
first above written.
Drafted by.

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